BMS-HD 10011

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"r" Factor Rating2.35
Category NameBridgeMont Steel Deck Truck Scales
Master Item #BMS-HD 10011
Freight Class50
Item #BMS-HD 10011
Package TypeBarrel
Type of Handling UnitsBAG - Bag
Type of PackagesBAG - Bag
Units Per Package1
UPS package typeUnknown
Weighing Capacity100
Operating Temperature RangeOutdoor weather proof Temperature: -30
ApprovalsNTEP, Cert. of Conf. #97-074 Approved up to 13' width Approved for livestock weighing
OptionsGuide rails|Guard posts|Manhole rings and covers|Indicators|Remote displays|Printers|Pre-fab foundations|Hazardous area systems|Multi-platform systems for axle weighing|Grain dump modules|Galvanized finish|PDOX Waste Management System|PDOX Special Applications Management Systems|Truck Weigh
Warranty5 years - Weigh Bars|10 years - Weighbridge
Dual Tandem Axle Rating80,000 lb
Surge Voltage ProtectionStandard equipment
Weigh Bars12